Steeplechase Training Program
Body In Training Track Club . In Christ, we who are many form one BODY . Romans 1. 2 5. Before becoming the proving ground for a kind of sport, obstacle courses were used as training devices, designed to build the mental and physical fitness of soldiers. The Dressage Training manual and procedures were instituted by the German National Equestrian Foundation. Vmware Workstation 11 For Windows 7 32 Bit With Key on this page. Each trainer adds a little. Two options for Dog Training Class Registration Download Registration Form Register. Body In Training Track Club is a youth track field ministry in Noblesville, Indiana. Train yourself to be godly. For physical TRAINING is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise both for the present life and the life to come. I Timothy 4 7 8. Watch 2. Track Slideshow. Watch 2. Cross Country Slideshow. Track season April through June with option to compete in Junior Olympics into July Cross country season September through November with option to compete in Junior Olympics into December. Body in Training is a member club of USA Track Field,YES Athletics, and the Indiana Youth Track Association open to youth ages 5 1. Hal Higdon is a Contributing Editor for Runners World, that magazines longest lasting writer, Hals having contributed an article to RWs second issue in 1966. He. Our mission is to provide excellent coaching and instruction in track and field events and to provide opportunity for youth to compete to the best of their ability. It is also our goal to teach Biblical principles and values and how to apply them in practice, in competition, and in life. It is our prayer that each member of our club will have fun, grow in love and knowledge of the sport, and learn how to honor God as a competitive athlete. Though our club is a Christian organization based out of Noblesville, Body in Training is open to families of any faith or no faith regardless of where they live or go to school. This can be a great introduction to the sport of track field or an opportunity to receive more individualized training and personal attention to improve upon past performances. Athletes are divided into training groups of 6 1. Body In Training is a competitive club, and teams against whom we compete do not necessarily share our values. Awards are based on performance, attitude, personal improvement, and participation in our Scripture memory program. Body in Training Age Groups Events 8 under born 0. Aug 9. 8 0. 21.
X X X X X 3. X X X relays. X X X X X high jump X X X Xtriple jump, pole vault X X shot put 2kg 6 lb 6 lbgirls 6 lb,boys 4kggirls 4kg,boys 1. X multi events triathlon pentathlon pentathlongirls heptathlon,boys decathlon. ZlPOmhxqXIkLR0ZuGOSBMDLQt7kDULZiGwS2IMrtgCE0uUIMTWUfig73x1tG-1mlS1g3' alt='Steeplechase Training Program' title='Steeplechase Training Program' />Cross country distances 8 under 2k.